The empathic leader is the glue within a team facing complexity and uncertainty.

Bernie Kelly  » Weekly Thoughts »  The empathic leader is the glue within a team facing complexity and uncertainty.

The empathic leader is the glue within a team facing complexity and uncertainty.

Working with people and building others is key to bringing engagement back to a struggling organisation and it is critical to maintaining energy in a high-performing leadership team.

It acknowledges that as humans we are social beings. The ongoing advances in neuroscience and the scientific study of the nervous system, confirms that feelings are transmitted between people.

In common language, we are aware of this when we refer to people as those who bring energy to a team or those who drain the energy of a team.

Who are the empathic leaders within your organisation?

I encourage you to call out your empathic leaders, give standing to their important role.

Who are your leaders playing the ‘glue’ role through these times?


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