Manage Things. Lead people.

Bernie Kelly  » Weekly Thoughts »  Manage Things. Lead people.

I was working studiously and determined to achieve the high pressure deadline when this epiphany hit. I had not seen this impact on others in myself.

When you attempt to ‘manage’ other people, you are in effect limiting or removing their choices – their power. And when you do this, you end up losing everything (all the experience, education, training and brilliance that you hired them for in the first place).

Manage the things you need to manage, but lead the people you are supposed to lead.

Manage Things. Lead people.

I have been reflecting on this a lot lately as I talk with leaders I care about who are under extreme pressure at the moment and I can hear their tension to “be on top off everything”. Take a breathe as you sort the “to-do” list – Manage Things. Lead people. It is critical to navigate the choppy seas ahead.


(For further reading on this topic you can check out Allen, T, What is the difference between management and leadership, Forbes, 2018)

text over a background picture of a water body along with a water body